This week I’ve been working with Jesse DeCarlo, one of Monterey’s finest recording engineers. Together…

I received the sweetest e-mail today
“Dear John Sherry I don’t leave comments on Youtube, but I just wanted to thank you so much for making a full version of the Mentalist song. I checked every year, and even wrote to the show (of course nobody answered :)). This is one of the better surprises this year. Thank you again! Best wishes from Switzerland”
While most of the cues that I wrote for The Mentalist, were pretty much buried under the action and dialogue, there was one piece I wrote that was featured because it was a clue; so for a brief few seconds in that episode my little country/rock piece was the only thing heard. As it turns out, someone created a YouTube video of the scene with the title, What’s The Name Of This Song? And someone found me on Facebook to let me know about it.
The episode, btw, is “Cherry Picked” Season 05, Episode 06.
The “song” I wrote was just a cue, 22 seconds in length of which they used about 11…But, on receiving that kind of enthusiastic response from a few thousand people, I resolved to create a full length (2:38) version. I added some mandolin, a banjo part that I performed on a ukulele and borrowed a friend’s Telecaster so my Chickin’ Pickin’ would ring like a bell. Once I’d recorded all the tracks I called my friend (top notch recording engineer and owner of said Telecaster) Jesse DeCarlo and we mixed it together.
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