Here at last is a pic of the back cover of my upcoming vinyl record…

In the past week I’ve uploaded final mixes to Disc Makers, received back mastered versions, and after some back and forth, okayed the masters. When a recording is MASTERED, it involves compression and EQ, all done in an acoustically designed room by a specially skilled recording engineer with the goal of making a recording sound good wherever it is played; in a car, on a home stereo, on a phone etc. Once mastered, they send it back to the artist for his/her review. That means relistening to every track entirely to be sure nothing fundamental has changed in the process.
The next step is submitting the artwork, (cover art by Anthony Zoccali, cover design by Jackson and John Sherry). This is for VINYL AND CD, which involves some variation. Finally the album is in the production stage. There are still a couple of loose ends as I have to review the final artwork before they start the CD production.
This submission and review process adds a few days to the job; submit one day, receive and review another day, approve and or amend, yet another day. I’m hoping soon to give a relatively solid date as to when I will have ALBUMs and CDs in hand and for sale.
It may happen before Christmas or maybe not till after the New Year. It’s nice having four regular gigs a week where you’ll be able to pick up a copy. Stay tuned!