Here at last is a pic of the back cover of my upcoming vinyl record…

The week ahead brings us much closer to the start of physical production of the new album. One final day of mixing on Monday, fingers crossed. Jesse DeCarlo has been a great partner and advisor in this process, as great recording engineers should be. I initially have recorded all the tracks in my home studio and then done a preliminary mix. I then load the project onto a thumb drive and we get together at Jesse’s studio and the real mixing begins. He not only has superior equipment and expertise but I value his sensibilities to assess any wacky sonic ideas I may have and to let me know if they will really work or not.
On Thursday, I should receive the final artwork images from my friend Anthony Zoccali. Anthony’s a great photographer and has come up with some great enhancements from pics from our last photo shoot.
So with the final mixes and the artwork in hand, I can then start the manufacturing process. After Disc Makers receive all of the above, the next step will be Mastering the tracks.